Monday, January 22, 2007

What to do when you have more time then money...

I walked all over the city of Brisbane many days now and have seen some pretty incredible things. I gave my self a little homework assignment to go in search of Art. The last two days I've spent scouring the city for random works of grafitti and sculptures, taking photo's whenever possible. So here is they are, "The Works of Brisbane"

Does anyone have any good ideas for future assignments? Believe it or not I really enjoyed this. Their are captions under each of the photos. Enjoy!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

What to do in Surfers Paradise...

I was staying in a huge town called Surfers Paradise. It's a sky bound apartment and hotel city that feels like Las Vegas on the ocean. I know for some people this would be perfect... but for me, yeah, it's not really my style. Anyways, we stayed for a few days and even went out to the clubs. The music was pretty good, a nice mix of house and techno, and then some typcial hip-hop from the US.

After that, we took off to a smaller town called Coolangatta, where the town is a bit more laid back and cheaper. We've been staying in a nice hostel and surfing almost every day now for half a week. We wake up, eat, go surf, come back to the hostel and read or play ping pong for the rest of the day. It's a nice way to spend time here. Although the heat and humidity is starting to get to me.

So i've been reading a lot of books. So far on the trip I've read the following books :
Dragon Lance Chronicles Book II
Stranger in a strange land - Robert Heinlan
NEXT - Michael Chrichton
Dragon Lance Chronicles Book III

So far all have been good, but does anyone have any really good recommendations for me?
BTW, anyone who is interested in Genetics should read NEXT, I thougt it was very interesting and fun... sort of a cool twist on upcoming sciences.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Some Random Pics... You fill in the story. :-D

What is going on in these pics?
I'd like to hear what you people think... :-P
(Just a few random pics from the trip so far)

Pic #1

Pic #2

Pic #3

Pic #4

Thursday, January 04, 2007

New Years in OZ!

NO, this isn't my picture... but it was taken from where we were sitting. Yeah, we got some great seats but we had to wait in line for about 3 hours just to get in to the park and then we sat for another 7 hours for the show to begin. BUT, it was all worth it. Their were fireworks going off all around us. 5 Barges throughout the harbor sustained the show with massive explosions coming from the the bridge and the tops of the surrounding buildings. All in all it was truly amazing.

What have I been doing in Sydney for a week? Well, mostly walking around and visiting museums. So far I've seen the PowerHouse Museum with a great exhibit on the Great Wall of China, the Natural History Museum with a really educational exhibit on Native Australians, and the Art Museum of New South Whales with various artists being displayed.

Aside from pretending to educate myself on vacation, I've been shopping, getting a well needed haircut, going to the theater, and reading books in the sun.

I thought that they spoke English here in Australia... here's a few things that I've learned:

Oz = Australia
Brekkie = Breakfast
Uni = University
Buga! = Sh-t / F*ck
Budgie Huggers = Speedo

If you've got any others I'd love to hear them.