Thursday, September 07, 2006

When will I be where?

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Here is the current travel dates for the trip. Russell has really been on the ball with getting everything together. So, if anyone is travelling during this next year, or would like to travel during this next year... I would be really happy to see Bozemanites on the other side of the world.

On a side note, both my parents will be flying to New Zealand and spending about 2 weeks with me, fishing and treking around the island. If any of you enjoy trout fishing, I highly recommend looking into New Zealand... the trout average from 4-10 lbs!!! My dad and I are so excited.

Currently: Still working on the house for my dad and playing around on my turntables. ( I love mixing! )

P.S. I set Comments to public, so now anyone can leave a comment. :-D

Sunday, September 03, 2006

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With two months until I leave I find myself juggling my time around like drunken circus performer. You may be asking yourself, where am I going? Well... it all started about 5 years ago when Trevor and I came up with the crazy Idea to travel all the way around the world after graduating from college. For one reason or another Trevor is no longer going to be joining me on the epic tour, but Russell fortunately filled his shoes rather quickly.

I never imagined that traveling to foreign countries came with so much planning. All througout my life I've been the type of spontaneous traveller that usually buys what he needs along the way. However with all the disease, poverty, terrorism, unreliable transportation, and randomness of people... I find a huge portion of my time is being absorbed into the planning of this trip.

Currently I am: Building my parents home in Livingston (6 Days a week)

P.S. Please leave comments for all to see!