Tuesday, May 15, 2007

On the road again.

May 11th- 14th

Well, I'm back on the road, after a nice 2 month break from travelling. I know, life's rough when you have to take a break from vacation, eh? Thanks to some serious Jet-Lag we've been a bit slow to get started exploring.

First we went out shopping at MBK, an incredibly large indoor mall/market place filled with everything from clothing, to food, to home furnishings and electronics.
Second was a trip to Wat Pho to see the huge reclining Buddha and the chinese statues. I love the beards on the chinese statues. They remind me of some artwork that Colter would make. Maybe it has to do with the top hats they are all wearing.

Lastly, we took a short detour through Khao San Road. Street vendors line the sidewalks and tourists bump into each other as they try to stay under the covered walkways. The rain was relentless and staying dry was a lost cause.

Soon we made our way back to Fang's house and relaxed for the evening. We've got some great fun planned for the rest of our time in Thailand... Stay tuned!